Matlab part 1

Posted on April 22, 2015
Op Operation
`+` Plus, addition
`-` Minus, subtraction
`*` Scalar and matrix multiplication
`.*` Array multiplication operator, element wise multiplication
`^` Scalar and matrix exponentiation operator
`.^` Array exponentiation operator, element wise exponentiation
`` Left division operator, `A` solves the system `Ax = B`
`/` Right division operator, `A/B` solves the system `Bx = A`
`.` Array left division, `A.` does the left division pair wise
`./` Array right division
`:` Produces regularly spaced elements `j:k` is same as `[j j+1 … j+k]` and `j:i:k` is same as `[j j+i j+2i … j+mi]`
`()` Parenthesis; encloses function argument; *array indices*; overrides precision
`[]` Brackets; used to define array, e.g., `x = [1 2]`
`.` Decimal point
`,` Separates statements and elements in a row
`;` Separates columns and suppresses display
`’` Used to calculate transpose
`.’` Non-conjugated transpose operator
`=` Assignment operator
Function Operation
`cat` concatenates arrays
`find` finds indices of nonzero elements
`length` computes the number of elements
`linspace` Creates a regularly spaced vector
`max` Returns the maximum element
`min` Returns the smallest element
`prod` Product of each column
`reshape` Changes the size
`sort` Sorts each column
`sum` sums each column
`eye` Creates an identity matrix
`ones` Creates an array of ones
`zeros` Creates an array of zeros
`dot` Computes the dot product
`det` Computes the determinant of a matrix
`ceil` Computes the ceiling of a number
Name Function
`axis` Set axis limits
`fplot` intelligent plot of functions, use anonymous function as first input
`grid` displays grid lines
`plot` Generates an \(xy\) plot, even for matrices
`print` Prints plot or saves plot into a file
`title` Puts up a title at the top of the plot
`xlabel` Adds an xlabel to the plot
`ylabel` Adds a ylabel to the plot
`figure` Opens up a new window for plot
`legend` Legend placement by mouse
`subplot` Creates plot in sub-windows
`bar` Creates a bar plot
`hist` Creates a histogram
`hist3d` Creates a 3-dimensional histogram
`hist2d` Creates a 2-dimensional histogram

mvnpdf| Multivariate normal pdf|
mvncdf| Multivariate cumulative cdf|